Top 5 Tesla Questions and Answers for Beginners • Charging the Battery
You’ll learn 5 common questions and answers about Tesla that beginners ask us. Some questions are about battery charging.
Tesla is an electric car manufacturer that’s taken the automotive industry by storm. Tesla has many unique features, but one of its most popular ones is being able to charge your Tesla battery at home with a charging cable. Some Tesla owners have questions about how to do this, so we’ve listed 10 FAQs below. If you’re looking for more information on Tesla or their products, visit
Is the Tesla connector different from other cars?
Tesla owners can charge their cars at home with a charging cable, which uses the Tesla charger connector. This is just one of many Tesla charging cables that are compatible with any Tesla car model or year. They fit into your standard household outlet and you then plug them into the front of your vehicle for quick access to electricity while parked in your garage overnight. An extra tip: if using an extension cord, make sure it’s 14 AWG wire gauge so it doesn’t overload when too much power runs through it from being plugged in somewhere else other than where intended!
Easier option: Tesla offers Destination Charging Stations. These charging stations allow Tesla owners to charge their batteries while they’re out and about. Owners can find destinations where Tesla has set up these chargers such as hotels, restaurants, resorts, and shopping centers across the United States.
What equipment do I need to charge the Tesla at home?
Tesla’s home charging station is installed at most Tesla service locations for free if you purchase it at the same time as your vehicle (as long as there are no construction obstacles.) If you buy one on your own later on though, they will cost $750 plus the installation fee which varies by location. It takes around 30 minutes to install this device so if Tesla’s service centers are too far from you, Tesla also offers installation services for an additional fee. Tesla has also partnered with solar energy companies in some areas to offer free charging stations in your garage if you have rooftop panels installed.
How long is the cable that charges the electric car?
Tesla’s cable length is either 18 feet depending on what type of connector you have so measured the distance from your charge port to where you plan on parking in order for these cables to reach. They can be extended up to 32ft with additional extension cords if needed but it’s best not to use more than 90ft total at most. Using too much excess cord could overload the circuitry and drain both power and battery life which isn’t good when trying to extend that range while away from home.
How do I know and control the charging time of my electric car?
Try to use Tesla’s Mobile App. You can also use Tesla’s mobile app on your phone which is free and simple enough! Plug in both your vehicle identification number (VIN) as well as charge port password before arming it so that you don’t need physical access every time someone needs their car charged.
How do I calculate the Tesla range or cost?
One way to calculate the Tesla range is by checking out its digital display on the dashboard of your car, which is located below where a traditional speedometer might be found.
You will learn Tesla’s estimated miles before you need to charge up again. If this information doesn’t appear automatically when you first enter the vehicle, tap on “Settings” and then select “Range.” To read more about Tesla charging options, visit
All in all, Tesla offers a range of charging options for Tesla owners whether you’re looking to charge the battery at home, while out and about, or even remotely from your car if need be.